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Airfoil Comparison

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Airfoil comparison (c5d-il,tempest2-il,s1010-il)
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    (c5d-il) LOCKHEED C-5A BL758.6 AIRFOIL

Lockheed-Georgia C-5A transonic wing airfoils
Max thickness 11.1% at 40% chord
Max camber 1.4% at 60% chord
Airfoil details
Airfoil plotter


Hawker Tempest 61% semispan airfoil (NPL?)
Max thickness 12% at 37.3% chord
Max camber 0.9% at 39.3% chord
Airfoil details
Airfoil plotter

    (s1010-il) S1010 HPV airfoil

Selig S1010 HPV airfoil
Max thickness 6% at 23.3% chord
Max camber 0% at 0% chord
Airfoil details
Airfoil plotter

Drawing Options

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Y grid size in millimetres
Used for printing plan. A4 landscape approx 280mm
Used for printing plan. A4 landscape approx 180mm

Polars for (c5d-il,tempest2-il,s1010-il)

PlotAirfoilReynolds #NcritMax Cl/CdDescriptionSource 
   c5d-il50,000930.7 at α=5.75°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il50,000531 at α=5.25°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il100,000948.1 at α=5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il100,000544.3 at α=4°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il200,000966.7 at α=3.75°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il200,000553.6 at α=3°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il500,000975.9 at α=3°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il500,000562.3 at α=6.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il1,000,000979.9 at α=2°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   c5d-il1,000,000578.3 at α=8.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il50,000932.6 at α=6.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il50,000532 at α=6°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il100,000949.9 at α=5.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il100,000547.3 at α=5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il200,000965.6 at α=4.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il200,000555 at α=4.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il500,000971.9 at α=4.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il500,000561.5 at α=4.25°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il1,000,000979.5 at α=4°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   tempest2-il1,000,000569.3 at α=8.25°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il50,000920.4 at α=3.25°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il50,000521.3 at α=5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il100,000929.5 at α=2.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il100,000529.9 at α=5.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il200,000937.3 at α=2°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il200,000540.1 at α=5.5°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il500,000953.1 at α=5°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il500,000555.2 at α=6.75°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il1,000,000966.3 at α=6°Mach=0 Ncrit=9Xfoil predictionDetails
   s1010-il1,000,000569.2 at α=7°Mach=0 Ncrit=5Xfoil predictionDetails
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