NACA 5 digit airfoil generator (NACA24012 AIRFOIL)
Dat file
NACA 24012 Airfoil cl=0.30 T=12.0% P=20.0% 1.000034 0.001260 0.998499 0.001517 0.993901 0.002286 0.986271 0.003554 0.975654 0.005302 0.962115 0.007503 0.945737 0.010126 0.926621 0.013135 0.904884 0.016488 0.880660 0.020143 0.854096 0.024054 0.825357 0.028176 0.794619 0.032461 0.762070 0.036859 0.727912 0.041322 0.692353 0.045797 0.655613 0.050232 0.617917 0.054570 0.579496 0.058755 0.540587 0.062726 0.501429 0.066422 0.462262 0.069781 0.423325 0.072741 0.384859 0.075241 0.347100 0.077226 0.310278 0.078646 0.274563 0.079453 0.239831 0.079489 0.206317 0.078497 0.174345 0.076299 0.144248 0.072811 0.116354 0.068044 0.090970 0.062103 0.068368 0.055171 0.048771 0.047489 0.032351 0.039329 0.019219 0.030969 0.009432 0.022669 0.002997 0.014646 -0.000123 0.007059 0.000000 0.000000 0.003205 -0.006286 0.009315 -0.011612 0.018198 -0.016059 0.029725 -0.019740 0.043770 -0.022790 0.060222 -0.025349 0.078992 -0.027560 0.100013 -0.029550 0.123240 -0.031426 0.148645 -0.033265 0.176207 -0.035103 0.205898 -0.036930 0.237671 -0.038675 0.271447 -0.040202 0.307039 -0.041310 0.343883 -0.041880 0.381695 -0.041935 0.420240 -0.041514 0.459279 -0.040660 0.498571 -0.039420 0.537872 -0.037842 0.576938 -0.035976 0.615529 -0.033871 0.653404 -0.031573 0.690330 -0.029128 0.726079 -0.026578 0.760428 -0.023965 0.793166 -0.021330 0.824091 -0.018710 0.853011 -0.016145 0.879746 -0.013673 0.904133 -0.011331 0.926019 -0.009155 0.945270 -0.007183 0.961765 -0.005448 0.975403 -0.003980 0.986099 -0.002808 0.993787 -0.001953 0.998419 -0.001434 0.999966 -0.001260
NACA 5 digit airfoils in the database
NACA 22112 NACA 23012NACA 23015 NACA 23018
NACA 23021 NACA 23024
NACA 23112 NACA 24112
NACA 25112
NACA 5 digit airfoil specification
The NACA 5 digit airfoils use the same thickness envelope as the 4 series but with a different camber line and numbering system.NACA LPQXX
NACA 23012
NACA 23012
Digits | Letter | Example | Description |
1 | L | 2 | This digit controls the camber. It indicates the designed coefficient of lift (Cl) multiplied by 3/20. In the examble L=2 so Cl=0.3 |
2 | P | 3 | The position of maximum camber divided by 20. In the examble P=3 so maximum camber is at 0.15 or 15% chord |
3 | Q | 0 | 0 = normal camber line, 1 = reflex camber line |
4 & 5 | XX | 12 | The maximum thickness as percentage.In the examble XX=12 so the maximum thickness is 0.12 or 12% chord. |
NACA 5 digit airfoil calculation
The equation for the camber line is split into two sections like the 4 digit series but the division between the two sections is not at the point of maximum camber. There are also different equations for standard and reflex camber lines.

The values for the constants r, k1 and k2/k1 are tabulated for various positions of the maximum camber at a coefficient of lift (Cl) value of 0.3. The camber and gradient can be scaled linearly to the required Cl value.
Description | Digits | Camber position(%) | r | k1 | k2/k1 |
5% standard | 10 | 5 | 0.0580 | 361.400 | |
10% standard | 20 | 10 | 0.1260 | 51.640 | |
15% standard | 30 | 15 | 0.2025 | 15.957 | |
20% standard | 40 | 20 | 0.2900 | 6.643 | |
25% standard | 50 | 25 | 0.3910 | 3.230 | |
10% reflex | 21 | 10 | 0.1300 | 51.990 | 0.000764 |
15% reflex | 31 | 15 | 0.2170 | 15.793 | 0.00677 |
20% reflex | 41 | 20 | 0.3180 | 6.520 | 0.0303 |
25% reflex | 51 | 25 | 0.4410 | 3.191 | 0.1355 |
Having calculated the camber line, the thickness distribution, calculation of the airfoil envelope and plotting of coordinates is done in the same way as the naca 4 digit airfoils. Details can be found here
- Geometry for Aerodynamicists
- Computer Program To Obtain Ordinates for NACA Airfoils
- The NACA Airfoil Series