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Airfoil database search

Search the 1638 airfoils available in the databases filtering by name, thickness and camber. Click on an airfoil image to display a larger preview picture. There are links to the original airfoil source and dat file and the details page with polar diagrams for a range of Reynolds numbers.

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(goe15-il) GOE 15 AIRFOIL

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GOE 15 AIRFOILGottingen 15 airfoil
Max thickness 9% at 29.8% chord
Max camber 7.8% at 29.8% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.7 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(goe217-il) GOE 217 (MVA MK.12) AIRFOIL

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GOE 217 (MVA MK.12) AIRFOILGottingen 217 (MVA MK.12) airfoil
Max thickness 19% at 29.2% chord
Max camber 6.3% at 59.4% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(goe228-il) GOE 228 (MVA H.38) AIRFOIL

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GOE 228 (MVA H.38) AIRFOILGottingen 228 (MVA H.38) airfoil
Max thickness 17.9% at 29.4% chord
Max camber 7% at 49.4% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(isa571-il) I.S.A. 571

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I.S.A. 571I.S.A. 571 airfoil
Max thickness 7.4% at 30% chord
Max camber 3.6% at 30% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(e656-il) EPPLER 656 AIRFOIL

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EPPLER 656 AIRFOILEppler E656 sailplane airfoil
Max thickness 16.2% at 37% chord
Max camber 4.8% at 42.2% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database


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GOE 324 (HANSA-BRANDENBURG) AIRFOILGottingen 324 (Hansa-Brandenburg) airfoil
Max thickness 13.1% at 29.8% chord
Max camber 5.9% at 29.8% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(fx61140-il) FX 61-140 AIRFOIL

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FX 61-140 AIRFOILWortmann FX 61-140 airfoil
Max thickness 14% at 33.9% chord
Max camber 2.5% at 30.9% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(s2046-il) S2046

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S2046Selig S2046 low Reynolds number airfoil
Max thickness 9% at 26.2% chord
Max camber 2.6% at 55.1% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(e654-il) EPPLER 654 AIRFOIL

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EPPLER 654 AIRFOILEppler E654 sailplane airfoil
Max thickness 17.2% at 36.1% chord
Max camber 4.9% at 46.5% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(s834-nr) NREL's S834 Airfoil

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NREL's S834 AirfoilNREL HAWT airfoil S834 tip 15.0% Dia=1 to 3 m Re=4.0E+5 Clmax(S)=1.00 Clmax(R)=1.02 High max lift coef
Max thickness 15% at 39.5% chord
Max camber 1.6% at 60% chord
Max Cl/Cd 70.6 at Re# 200,000
Source NWTC National WInd Technology Center
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