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Airfoil database search

Search the 1638 airfoils available in the databases filtering by name, thickness and camber. Click on an airfoil image to display a larger preview picture. There are links to the original airfoil source and dat file and the details page with polar diagrams for a range of Reynolds numbers.

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(naca4418-il) NACA 4418

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NACA 4418NACA 4418 airfoil
Max thickness 18% at 30% chord
Max camber 4% at 40% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(goe217-il) GOE 217 (MVA MK.12) AIRFOIL

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GOE 217 (MVA MK.12) AIRFOILGottingen 217 (MVA MK.12) airfoil
Max thickness 19% at 29.2% chord
Max camber 6.3% at 59.4% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(rc12b3-il) NASA/LANGLEY RC-12(B)3 AIRFOIL

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NASA/LANGLEY RC-12(B)3 AIRFOILNASA/Langley RC-12(B)3 rotorcraft airfoil
Max thickness 12% at 38% chord
Max camber 2.2% at 34.3% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(goe503-il) GOE 503 AIRFOIL

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GOE 503 AIRFOILGottingen 503 airfoil
Max thickness 15.6% at 29.7% chord
Max camber 7% at 39.7% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(usa35-il) USA 35 AIRFOIL

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USA 35 AIRFOILUSA-35 airfoil
Max thickness 18.2% at 29.4% chord
Max camber 6.4% at 39.4% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(goe223-il) GOE 223 (MVA H.34) AIRFOIL

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GOE 223 (MVA H.34) AIRFOILGottingen 223 (MVA H.34) airfoil
Max thickness 18.8% at 29.1% chord
Max camber 5.7% at 49.1% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(s805a-nr) NREL's S805A Airfoil

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NREL's S805A AirfoilNREL HAWT airfoil S805A primary
Max thickness 13.5% at 40% chord
Max camber 2.1% at 35% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source NWTC National WInd Technology Center


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HAWKER TEMPEST 37.5% SEMISPAN AIRFOILHawker Tempest 37.5% semispan airfoil (NPL?)
Max thickness 14.5% at 38.3% chord
Max camber 1% at 40.4% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(mh42-il) MH 42 8.94%

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MH 42  8.94%Martin Hepperle MH 42 low Reynolds number airfoil
Max thickness 8.9% at 31.3% chord
Max camber 1.8% at 36.3% chord
Max Cl/Cd 67 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database

(naca001264a08cli02-il) NACA 0012-64 a=0.8 c(li)=0.2

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NACA 0012-64 a=0.8 c(li)=0.2NACA 0012-64 a=0.8 c(li)=0.2 airfoil
Max thickness 11% at 39.9% chord
Max camber 1.8% at 29.9% chord
Max Cl/Cd 66.9 at Re# 200,000
Source UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database
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