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RAE 102 AIRFOIL (rae102-il) Xfoil prediction polar at RE=100,000 Ncrit=5

Details Polar file
Airfoil: RAE 102 AIRFOIL (rae102-il)
Reynolds number: 100,000
Max Cl/Cd: 36.66 at α=4°
Description: Mach=0 Ncrit=5
Source: Xfoil prediction
Download polar: xf-rae102-il-100000-n5.txt
Download as CSV file: xf-rae102-il-100000-n5.csv

       XFOIL         Version 6.96
 Calculated polar for: RAE 102 AIRFOIL                                 
 1 1 Reynolds number fixed          Mach number fixed         
 xtrf =   1.000 (top)        1.000 (bottom)  
 Mach =   0.000     Re =     0.100 e 6     Ncrit =   5.000
   alpha    CL        CD       CDp       CM     Top_Xtr  Bot_Xtr
  ------ -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------
 -11.500  -0.7018   0.09215   0.08700  -0.0127   1.0000   0.0248
 -11.250  -0.7174   0.08414   0.07897  -0.0182   1.0000   0.0246
 -11.000  -0.7362   0.07681   0.07158  -0.0234   1.0000   0.0244
 -10.750  -0.7545   0.07085   0.06552  -0.0272   1.0000   0.0242
 -10.500  -0.7751   0.06563   0.06017  -0.0297   1.0000   0.0242
 -10.250  -0.7938   0.06147   0.05585  -0.0302   1.0000   0.0241
 -10.000  -0.8111   0.05795   0.05215  -0.0289   1.0000   0.0240
  -9.750  -0.8255   0.05445   0.04839  -0.0268   1.0000   0.0240
  -9.500  -0.8346   0.05068   0.04429  -0.0248   1.0000   0.0241
  -9.250  -0.8375   0.04714   0.04037  -0.0227   1.0000   0.0243
  -9.000  -0.8361   0.04369   0.03649  -0.0207   1.0000   0.0245
  -8.750  -0.8302   0.04057   0.03288  -0.0187   1.0000   0.0248
  -8.500  -0.8207   0.03733   0.02931  -0.0170   1.0000   0.0254
  -8.250  -0.8068   0.03505   0.02685  -0.0158   1.0000   0.0264
  -8.000  -0.7906   0.03343   0.02505  -0.0146   1.0000   0.0280
  -7.750  -0.7731   0.03172   0.02309  -0.0134   1.0000   0.0300
  -7.500  -0.7537   0.02969   0.02071  -0.0121   1.0000   0.0317
  -7.250  -0.7328   0.02784   0.01857  -0.0109   1.0000   0.0330
  -7.000  -0.7124   0.02599   0.01659  -0.0097   1.0000   0.0347
  -6.750  -0.6932   0.02478   0.01538  -0.0087   1.0000   0.0379
  -6.500  -0.6729   0.02366   0.01415  -0.0074   1.0000   0.0417
  -6.250  -0.6527   0.02252   0.01284  -0.0060   1.0000   0.0445
  -6.000  -0.6357   0.02129   0.01165  -0.0044   1.0000   0.0488
  -5.750  -0.6165   0.02046   0.01074  -0.0030   1.0000   0.0554
  -5.500  -0.5994   0.01946   0.00975  -0.0013   1.0000   0.0619
  -5.250  -0.5813   0.01863   0.00891   0.0004   1.0000   0.0724
  -5.000  -0.5635   0.01778   0.00813   0.0020   1.0000   0.0885
  -4.750  -0.5461   0.01692   0.00738   0.0036   1.0000   0.1158
  -4.500  -0.5298   0.01593   0.00671   0.0053   1.0000   0.1716
  -4.250  -0.5160   0.01474   0.00612   0.0072   1.0000   0.2790
  -4.000  -0.5038   0.01373   0.00587   0.0098   1.0000   0.4232
  -3.750  -0.4870   0.01335   0.00578   0.0120   1.0000   0.5117
  -3.500  -0.4688   0.01315   0.00566   0.0140   1.0000   0.5649
  -3.250  -0.4504   0.01301   0.00559   0.0160   1.0000   0.6053
  -3.000  -0.4321   0.01292   0.00555   0.0179   1.0000   0.6393
  -2.750  -0.4008   0.01287   0.00554   0.0173   0.9926   0.6738
  -2.500  -0.3644   0.01286   0.00551   0.0157   0.9825   0.7055
  -2.250  -0.3286   0.01283   0.00549   0.0143   0.9719   0.7313
  -2.000  -0.2928   0.01278   0.00540   0.0128   0.9610   0.7528
  -1.750  -0.2552   0.01273   0.00531   0.0110   0.9511   0.7696
  -1.500  -0.2165   0.01268   0.00522   0.0089   0.9415   0.7848
  -1.250  -0.1808   0.01262   0.00514   0.0074   0.9294   0.7993
  -1.000  -0.1447   0.01256   0.00505   0.0059   0.9172   0.8132
  -0.750  -0.1084   0.01252   0.00499   0.0043   0.9049   0.8269
  -0.500  -0.0722   0.01248   0.00494   0.0028   0.8926   0.8406
  -0.250  -0.0362   0.01246   0.00490   0.0014   0.8799   0.8542
   0.000   0.0000   0.01245   0.00489   0.0000   0.8672   0.8672
   0.250   0.0362   0.01246   0.00490  -0.0014   0.8542   0.8800
   0.500   0.0722   0.01248   0.00494  -0.0028   0.8406   0.8926
   0.750   0.1084   0.01252   0.00499  -0.0043   0.8269   0.9050
   1.000   0.1446   0.01256   0.00505  -0.0059   0.8132   0.9172
   1.250   0.1807   0.01262   0.00513  -0.0074   0.7992   0.9294
   1.500   0.2165   0.01268   0.00522  -0.0089   0.7848   0.9415
   1.750   0.2551   0.01273   0.00531  -0.0110   0.7696   0.9512
   2.000   0.2928   0.01278   0.00540  -0.0128   0.7528   0.9611
   2.250   0.3286   0.01283   0.00548  -0.0143   0.7313   0.9720
   2.500   0.3643   0.01286   0.00551  -0.0157   0.7057   0.9827
   2.750   0.4008   0.01287   0.00554  -0.0173   0.6737   0.9928
   3.000   0.4317   0.01292   0.00555  -0.0179   0.6393   1.0000
   3.250   0.4500   0.01301   0.00559  -0.0159   0.6056   1.0000
   3.500   0.4684   0.01315   0.00566  -0.0139   0.5654   1.0000
   3.750   0.4865   0.01335   0.00577  -0.0119   0.5109   1.0000
   4.000   0.5034   0.01373   0.00586  -0.0097   0.4235   1.0000
   4.250   0.5157   0.01474   0.00611  -0.0072   0.2792   1.0000
   4.500   0.5295   0.01592   0.00671  -0.0053   0.1723   1.0000
   4.750   0.5458   0.01691   0.00737  -0.0036   0.1161   1.0000
   5.000   0.5632   0.01778   0.00812  -0.0020   0.0885   1.0000
   5.250   0.5811   0.01862   0.00890  -0.0003   0.0726   1.0000
   5.500   0.5992   0.01946   0.00975   0.0013   0.0620   1.0000
   5.750   0.6163   0.02046   0.01073   0.0030   0.0554   1.0000
   6.000   0.6356   0.02128   0.01165   0.0044   0.0488   1.0000
   6.250   0.6527   0.02252   0.01284   0.0060   0.0445   1.0000
   6.500   0.6729   0.02366   0.01414   0.0074   0.0416   1.0000
   6.750   0.6932   0.02477   0.01537   0.0086   0.0378   1.0000
   7.000   0.7125   0.02600   0.01659   0.0097   0.0347   1.0000
   7.250   0.7330   0.02784   0.01857   0.0108   0.0330   1.0000
   7.500   0.7539   0.02971   0.02073   0.0120   0.0316   1.0000
   7.750   0.7733   0.03172   0.02309   0.0133   0.0300   1.0000
   8.000   0.7910   0.03342   0.02504   0.0145   0.0280   1.0000
   8.250   0.8072   0.03501   0.02680   0.0157   0.0263   1.0000
   8.500   0.8211   0.03735   0.02933   0.0169   0.0254   1.0000
   8.750   0.8307   0.04060   0.03290   0.0185   0.0248   1.0000
   9.000   0.8368   0.04372   0.03650   0.0205   0.0245   1.0000
   9.250   0.8385   0.04712   0.04035   0.0226   0.0243   1.0000
   9.500   0.8346   0.05080   0.04443   0.0247   0.0241   1.0000
   9.750   0.8266   0.05445   0.04840   0.0266   0.0241   1.0000
  10.000   0.8130   0.05794   0.05213   0.0286   0.0241   1.0000
  10.250   0.7958   0.06144   0.05580   0.0300   0.0241   1.0000
  10.500   0.7768   0.06562   0.06015   0.0296   0.0242   1.0000
  10.750   0.7571   0.07070   0.06537   0.0272   0.0243   1.0000
  11.000   0.7362   0.07708   0.07185   0.0230   0.0244   1.0000
  11.250   0.7189   0.08414   0.07896   0.0180   0.0246   1.0000
  11.500   0.7038   0.09201   0.08685   0.0127   0.0248   1.0000
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