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NACA 64A-010 10.0% (naca64a010-il) Xfoil prediction polar at RE=50,000 Ncrit=5

Details Polar file
Airfoil: NACA 64A-010 10.0% (naca64a010-il)
Reynolds number: 50,000
Max Cl/Cd: 26.25 at α=4°
Description: Mach=0 Ncrit=5
Source: Xfoil prediction
Download polar: xf-naca64a010-il-50000-n5.txt
Download as CSV file: xf-naca64a010-il-50000-n5.csv

       XFOIL         Version 6.96
 Calculated polar for: NACA 64A-010 10.0%                              
 1 1 Reynolds number fixed          Mach number fixed         
 xtrf =   1.000 (top)        1.000 (bottom)  
 Mach =   0.000     Re =     0.050 e 6     Ncrit =   5.000
   alpha    CL        CD       CDp       CM     Top_Xtr  Bot_Xtr
  ------ -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------
 -10.500  -0.6879   0.08881   0.08145  -0.0273   1.0000   0.0464
 -10.250  -0.6984   0.08400   0.07661  -0.0292   1.0000   0.0462
 -10.000  -0.7121   0.07964   0.07220  -0.0303   1.0000   0.0460
  -9.750  -0.7262   0.07569   0.06817  -0.0302   1.0000   0.0458
  -9.500  -0.7387   0.07209   0.06447  -0.0291   1.0000   0.0457
  -9.250  -0.7485   0.06834   0.06055  -0.0281   1.0000   0.0455
  -9.000  -0.7553   0.06456   0.05656  -0.0268   1.0000   0.0454
  -8.750  -0.7586   0.06087   0.05261  -0.0253   1.0000   0.0453
  -8.500  -0.7591   0.05724   0.04867  -0.0236   1.0000   0.0452
  -8.250  -0.7567   0.05370   0.04477  -0.0218   1.0000   0.0453
  -8.000  -0.7512   0.05028   0.04094  -0.0199   1.0000   0.0455
  -7.750  -0.7425   0.04707   0.03727  -0.0180   1.0000   0.0458
  -7.500  -0.7313   0.04409   0.03384  -0.0160   1.0000   0.0466
  -7.250  -0.7166   0.04132   0.03097  -0.0150   1.0000   0.0490
  -7.000  -0.6996   0.03912   0.02856  -0.0137   1.0000   0.0516
  -6.750  -0.6803   0.03674   0.02578  -0.0124   1.0000   0.0537
  -6.500  -0.6577   0.03443   0.02310  -0.0113   1.0000   0.0554
  -6.250  -0.6324   0.03238   0.02068  -0.0103   1.0000   0.0579
  -6.000  -0.6085   0.03056   0.01888  -0.0096   1.0000   0.0627
  -5.750  -0.5844   0.02914   0.01730  -0.0086   1.0000   0.0689
  -5.500  -0.5609   0.02769   0.01573  -0.0073   1.0000   0.0735
  -5.250  -0.5425   0.02645   0.01443  -0.0057   1.0000   0.0820
  -5.000  -0.5262   0.02524   0.01321  -0.0039   1.0000   0.0934
  -4.750  -0.5114   0.02399   0.01198  -0.0017   1.0000   0.1068
  -4.500  -0.4985   0.02259   0.01079   0.0005   1.0000   0.1379
  -4.250  -0.4918   0.02037   0.00952   0.0030   1.0000   0.2528
  -4.000  -0.4923   0.01876   0.00957   0.0087   1.0000   0.5412
  -3.750  -0.4808   0.01874   0.00979   0.0135   1.0000   0.6521
  -3.500  -0.4690   0.01910   0.01028   0.0189   1.0000   0.7334
  -3.250  -0.4488   0.02006   0.01129   0.0244   1.0000   0.8052
  -3.000  -0.4155   0.02055   0.01155   0.0255   1.0000   0.8381
  -2.750  -0.3859   0.02048   0.01122   0.0253   1.0000   0.8544
  -2.500  -0.3568   0.02036   0.01090   0.0250   1.0000   0.8691
  -2.250  -0.3275   0.02023   0.01057   0.0243   1.0000   0.8827
  -2.000  -0.2977   0.02009   0.01027   0.0234   1.0000   0.8959
  -1.750  -0.2667   0.01998   0.00999   0.0221   1.0000   0.9090
  -1.500  -0.2320   0.01989   0.00976   0.0201   1.0000   0.9211
  -1.250  -0.1928   0.01982   0.00957   0.0170   1.0000   0.9320
  -1.000  -0.1557   0.01975   0.00939   0.0142   1.0000   0.9439
  -0.750  -0.1194   0.01969   0.00926   0.0114   1.0000   0.9566
  -0.500  -0.0827   0.01965   0.00918   0.0083   1.0000   0.9699
  -0.250  -0.0453   0.01963   0.00912   0.0049   1.0000   0.9840
   0.000   0.0000   0.01961   0.00910   0.0000   0.9953   0.9953
   0.250   0.0452   0.01963   0.00912  -0.0049   0.9840   1.0000
   0.500   0.0827   0.01965   0.00917  -0.0083   0.9699   1.0000
   0.750   0.1194   0.01969   0.00926  -0.0114   0.9566   1.0000
   1.000   0.1557   0.01975   0.00939  -0.0142   0.9438   1.0000
   1.250   0.1928   0.01982   0.00957  -0.0170   0.9320   1.0000
   1.500   0.2319   0.01989   0.00976  -0.0200   0.9210   1.0000
   1.750   0.2668   0.01998   0.00998  -0.0222   0.9090   1.0000
   2.000   0.2977   0.02009   0.01027  -0.0234   0.8959   1.0000
   2.250   0.3275   0.02023   0.01057  -0.0243   0.8827   1.0000
   2.500   0.3568   0.02036   0.01089  -0.0250   0.8690   1.0000
   2.750   0.3859   0.02048   0.01122  -0.0253   0.8544   1.0000
   3.000   0.4154   0.02055   0.01155  -0.0255   0.8381   1.0000
   3.250   0.4488   0.02006   0.01129  -0.0244   0.8051   1.0000
   3.500   0.4691   0.01909   0.01028  -0.0189   0.7332   1.0000
   3.750   0.4809   0.01874   0.00979  -0.0135   0.6527   1.0000
   4.000   0.4924   0.01876   0.00957  -0.0087   0.5421   1.0000
   4.250   0.4917   0.02039   0.00953  -0.0030   0.2510   1.0000
   4.500   0.4985   0.02259   0.01080  -0.0005   0.1378   1.0000
   4.750   0.5114   0.02400   0.01198   0.0017   0.1067   1.0000
   5.000   0.5262   0.02524   0.01322   0.0039   0.0933   1.0000
   5.250   0.5425   0.02645   0.01444   0.0057   0.0819   1.0000
   5.500   0.5609   0.02769   0.01572   0.0073   0.0736   1.0000
   5.750   0.5845   0.02915   0.01732   0.0086   0.0687   1.0000
   6.000   0.6086   0.03058   0.01889   0.0096   0.0627   1.0000
   6.250   0.6324   0.03238   0.02069   0.0103   0.0579   1.0000
   6.500   0.6577   0.03443   0.02310   0.0113   0.0555   1.0000
   6.750   0.6803   0.03675   0.02583   0.0124   0.0537   1.0000
   7.000   0.6996   0.03912   0.02856   0.0138   0.0515   1.0000
   7.250   0.7165   0.04130   0.03095   0.0150   0.0489   1.0000
   7.500   0.7311   0.04417   0.03391   0.0160   0.0465   1.0000
   7.750   0.7426   0.04705   0.03725   0.0179   0.0458   1.0000
   8.000   0.7512   0.05028   0.04094   0.0199   0.0455   1.0000
   8.250   0.7568   0.05369   0.04476   0.0218   0.0453   1.0000
   8.500   0.7592   0.05724   0.04867   0.0236   0.0452   1.0000
   8.750   0.7586   0.06087   0.05261   0.0253   0.0453   1.0000
   9.000   0.7552   0.06458   0.05658   0.0268   0.0454   1.0000
   9.250   0.7491   0.06832   0.06053   0.0281   0.0456   1.0000
   9.500   0.7384   0.07212   0.06451   0.0291   0.0456   1.0000
   9.750   0.7266   0.07568   0.06816   0.0302   0.0459   1.0000
  10.000   0.7119   0.07964   0.07219   0.0303   0.0460   1.0000
  10.250   0.7006   0.08398   0.07658   0.0293   0.0463   1.0000
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