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NACA 16009 (naca16009-il) Xfoil prediction polar at RE=500,000 Ncrit=5

Details Polar file
Airfoil: NACA 16009 (naca16009-il)
Reynolds number: 500,000
Max Cl/Cd: 38.01 at α=5.25°
Description: Mach=0 Ncrit=5
Source: Xfoil prediction
Download polar: xf-naca16009-il-500000-n5.txt
Download as CSV file: xf-naca16009-il-500000-n5.csv

       XFOIL         Version 6.96
 Calculated polar for: NACA 16009                                      
 1 1 Reynolds number fixed          Mach number fixed         
 xtrf =   1.000 (top)        1.000 (bottom)  
 Mach =   0.000     Re =     0.500 e 6     Ncrit =   5.000
   alpha    CL        CD       CDp       CM     Top_Xtr  Bot_Xtr
  ------ -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------
 -10.000  -0.6315   0.08401   0.08178  -0.0317   1.0000   0.0037
  -9.750  -0.6473   0.07710   0.07487  -0.0375   1.0000   0.0036
  -9.500  -0.6673   0.07229   0.07002  -0.0383   1.0000   0.0036
  -9.250  -0.6902   0.06890   0.06659  -0.0355   1.0000   0.0035
  -9.000  -0.7145   0.06639   0.06405  -0.0302   1.0000   0.0035
  -8.750  -0.7333   0.06303   0.06060  -0.0258   1.0000   0.0035
  -8.500  -0.7501   0.05952   0.05699  -0.0211   1.0000   0.0034
  -8.250  -0.7542   0.05376   0.05100  -0.0195   0.9981   0.0034
  -8.000  -0.7521   0.04698   0.04390  -0.0183   0.9953   0.0034
  -7.750  -0.7490   0.04003   0.03653  -0.0159   0.9928   0.0034
  -7.500  -0.7457   0.03307   0.02903  -0.0122   0.9892   0.0036
  -7.250  -0.7351   0.02743   0.02279  -0.0093   0.9865   0.0040
  -7.000  -0.7163   0.02400   0.01887  -0.0078   0.9848   0.0044
  -6.750  -0.6926   0.02177   0.01626  -0.0073   0.9836   0.0047
  -6.500  -0.6657   0.02045   0.01465  -0.0074   0.9827   0.0051
  -6.250  -0.6395   0.01862   0.01252  -0.0075   0.9819   0.0058
  -6.000  -0.6181   0.01715   0.01086  -0.0064   0.9797   0.0063
  -5.750  -0.5950   0.01601   0.00956  -0.0056   0.9774   0.0066
  -5.500  -0.5699   0.01508   0.00852  -0.0053   0.9754   0.0071
  -5.250  -0.5435   0.01430   0.00764  -0.0052   0.9738   0.0078
  -5.000  -0.5163   0.01362   0.00687  -0.0054   0.9723   0.0086
  -4.750  -0.4882   0.01302   0.00618  -0.0057   0.9711   0.0093
  -4.500  -0.4585   0.01265   0.00571  -0.0065   0.9701   0.0102
  -4.250  -0.4297   0.01205   0.00502  -0.0070   0.9692   0.0110
  -4.000  -0.4044   0.01157   0.00443  -0.0066   0.9670   0.0121
  -3.750  -0.3818   0.01124   0.00406  -0.0056   0.9634   0.0150
  -3.500  -0.3544   0.01091   0.00375  -0.0057   0.9614   0.0257
  -3.250  -0.3261   0.01057   0.00349  -0.0062   0.9597   0.0484
  -3.000  -0.2977   0.01021   0.00324  -0.0067   0.9582   0.0833
  -2.750  -0.2705   0.00969   0.00300  -0.0070   0.9568   0.1578
  -2.500  -0.2536   0.00854   0.00271  -0.0055   0.9539   0.3730
  -2.250  -0.2448   0.00751   0.00245  -0.0018   0.9483   0.5719
  -2.000  -0.2306   0.00666   0.00233   0.0011   0.9451   0.7492
  -1.750  -0.2030   0.00647   0.00234   0.0013   0.9436   0.8106
  -1.500  -0.1722   0.00642   0.00234   0.0007   0.9425   0.8421
  -1.250  -0.1462   0.00653   0.00255   0.0014   0.9394   0.8833
  -1.000  -0.1185   0.00671   0.00277   0.0018   0.9366   0.9068
  -0.750  -0.0913   0.00676   0.00281   0.0020   0.9339   0.9165
  -0.500  -0.0585   0.00681   0.00283   0.0008   0.9322   0.9198
  -0.250  -0.0268   0.00681   0.00282  -0.0001   0.9304   0.9230
   0.000   0.0000   0.00679   0.00279   0.0000   0.9274   0.9274
   0.250   0.0268   0.00681   0.00282   0.0001   0.9230   0.9304
   0.500   0.0585   0.00681   0.00283  -0.0008   0.9198   0.9321
   0.750   0.0913   0.00676   0.00281  -0.0020   0.9165   0.9338
   1.000   0.1185   0.00671   0.00277  -0.0018   0.9068   0.9366
   1.250   0.1462   0.00653   0.00255  -0.0014   0.8834   0.9394
   1.500   0.1722   0.00642   0.00234  -0.0007   0.8424   0.9425
   1.750   0.2030   0.00647   0.00234  -0.0013   0.8106   0.9436
   2.000   0.2306   0.00665   0.00234  -0.0011   0.7504   0.9451
   2.250   0.2449   0.00751   0.00245   0.0018   0.5724   0.9483
   2.500   0.2535   0.00855   0.00271   0.0055   0.3716   0.9539
   2.750   0.2704   0.00970   0.00301   0.0070   0.1552   0.9568
   3.000   0.2977   0.01021   0.00324   0.0067   0.0835   0.9582
   3.250   0.3260   0.01057   0.00349   0.0062   0.0480   0.9597
   3.500   0.3543   0.01091   0.00375   0.0057   0.0255   0.9614
   3.750   0.3817   0.01124   0.00406   0.0056   0.0150   0.9635
   4.000   0.4041   0.01157   0.00443   0.0066   0.0121   0.9670
   4.250   0.4295   0.01205   0.00501   0.0070   0.0110   0.9692
   4.500   0.4585   0.01264   0.00570   0.0065   0.0102   0.9701
   4.750   0.4883   0.01303   0.00618   0.0057   0.0093   0.9712
   5.000   0.5164   0.01362   0.00687   0.0053   0.0086   0.9724
   5.250   0.5436   0.01430   0.00764   0.0052   0.0078   0.9738
   5.500   0.5697   0.01507   0.00851   0.0053   0.0071   0.9754
   5.750   0.5949   0.01600   0.00955   0.0056   0.0066   0.9774
   6.000   0.6180   0.01715   0.01085   0.0064   0.0063   0.9797
   6.250   0.6394   0.01863   0.01253   0.0075   0.0057   0.9819
   6.500   0.6656   0.02046   0.01467   0.0075   0.0051   0.9827
   6.750   0.6926   0.02175   0.01624   0.0073   0.0047   0.9837
   7.000   0.7163   0.02402   0.01889   0.0078   0.0044   0.9849
   7.250   0.7352   0.02744   0.02280   0.0093   0.0040   0.9866
   7.500   0.7458   0.03311   0.02907   0.0122   0.0036   0.9893
   7.750   0.7491   0.04006   0.03656   0.0158   0.0034   0.9928
   8.000   0.7522   0.04700   0.04391   0.0183   0.0034   0.9954
   8.250   0.7543   0.05377   0.05102   0.0195   0.0034   0.9981
   8.500   0.7501   0.05951   0.05698   0.0212   0.0034   1.0000
   8.750   0.7333   0.06302   0.06060   0.0258   0.0035   1.0000
   9.000   0.7145   0.06638   0.06404   0.0302   0.0035   1.0000
   9.250   0.6902   0.06891   0.06661   0.0355   0.0035   1.0000
   9.500   0.6675   0.07231   0.07005   0.0382   0.0036   1.0000
   9.750   0.6477   0.07713   0.07491   0.0374   0.0036   1.0000
  10.000   0.6320   0.08409   0.08186   0.0316   0.0037   1.0000
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